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Nag Hammadi biblioteka

Iš Vikišaltiniai.

The Nag Hammadi Library Codex Index

Kai kurių tekstų originalai prienami

Codex I (The Jung Codex)

  1. Apaštalo Pauliaus malda, The Prayer of the Apostle Paul
  2. The Apocryphon of James:
    1. (Williams translation)
    2. (Cameron translation)
  3. The Gospel of Truth:
    1. (Grant translation)
    2. (Attridge & MacRae translation)
  4. Traktatas apie prisikėlimą, The Treatise on the Resurrection
  5. The Tripartite Tractate

Codex II

  1. Jono Apokrifas,
    1. The Apocryphon of John* (long version),
    2. Апокриф Иоанна
  2. Tomo evangelija, P.Račiaus vertimas, T.Girdzijausko redakcija.
    1. Tomo evangelija T.Girdzijausko nuolat tobulinamas atviras tekstas.
    2. Tomo evangelija be įvado, be filtro
    3. Tomo evangelija be įvado, filtruota
    4. Gospel of Thomas Patterson & Meyer translation
    5. Евангелие от Фомы
    6. Gospel of Thomas Lambdin translation
    7. Gospel of Thomas Grondin interlinear translation,
    8. Tomo evangelija Vikipedijoje
  3. Pilypo evangelija. , T.Girdzijausko vertimas. Gospel of Philip
  4. Archontų hipostazė. The Hypostasis of the Archons
  5. Apie pasaulio pradžią. On the Origin of the World
  6. Sielos aiškinimas, The Exegesis on the Soul
  7. Tomo Kovotojo knyga, The Book of Thomas the Contender

Codex III

  1. The Apocryphon of John* (short version)
  2. The Gospel of the Egyptians*
  3. Eugnostos the Blessed*
  4. The Sophia of Jesus Christ
  5. The Dialogue of the Savior

Codex IV

  1. The Apocryphon of John* (long version)
  2. The Gospel of the Egyptians*

Codex V

  1. Eugnostos the Blessed
  2. The Apocalypse of Paul
  3. The (First) Apocalypse of James
  4. Antrasis Apreiškimas Jokūbui, The (Second) Apocalypse of James
  5. The Apocalypse of Adam

Codex VI

  1. Petro ir 12 apaštalų darbai,
    1. The Acts of Peter and the Twelve Apostles,
    2. Деяния Петра и двенадцати апостолов.
  2. Griaustinis tobulas protas, The Thunder, Perfect Mind
  3. Tikrasis mokymas, Authoritative Teaching
  4. The Concept of Our Great Power
  5. Plato, Republic 588A-589B
  6. Aštuonetas ir Devynetas,
    1. The Discourse on the Eighth and Ninth,
    2. Рассуждение о восьмерке и девятке .
  7. Dėkojimo malda,
    1. The Prayer of Thanksgiving,
    2. Молитва Благодарения, перевод А. Неверова.
  8. Asclepius 21-29

Codex VII

  1. The Paraphrase of Shem
  2. The Second Treatise of the Great Seth
  3. The Apocalypse of Peter
  4. The Teachings of Silvanus
  5. The Three Steles of Seth

Codex VIII

  1. Zostrianos
  2. The Letter of Peter to Philip

Codex IX

  1. Melchizedek
  2. The Thought of Norea
  3. Tiesos liudijimas The Testimony of Truth

Codex X

  1. Marsanes

Codex XI

  1. The Interpretation of Knowledge. Originalo teksto dalis BooksGoogle
  2. A Valentinian Exposition
    1. On the Anointing
    2. On the Baptism A
    3. On the Baptism B
    4. On the Eucharist A
    5. On the Eucharist B
  3. Allogenes
  4. Hypsiphrone

Codex XII

  1. Seksto sentencijos,
    1. The Sentences of Sextus,
    2. Изречения Секста.
  2. The Gospel of Truth:
    1. (Grant translation)
    2. (Attridge & MacRae translation)
  3. (fragments)

Codex XIII

  1. Trimorfinė protenoja,
  2. On the Origin of the World*

